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Doctoral Thesis Topics in Education: 20 Questions You Can Explore

Undeniably, writing a thesis is a tall order for you as an education student. Besides the fact that it will determine the total score you get in a course, it is involving. Nevertheless, once you opt for an interesting topic, the rest of the work is easier. Indeed, the topic will lead you to the right pathways and offer you worthwhile insights.

Basics of Choosing a Good Topic

A good topic has various elements. First, it must be original. While all discoveries are based on existing ideas, a good topic will help you solve a new issue or even explore a matter using a different approach. Second, a topic should be chosen in consideration to the context. Here, a researcher should be able to justify why they have chosen their topic. They must also ensure that it is relevant in the educational field. Moreover, a researcher must find out whether they have the resources and skills to explore a topic and thus offer incredible insights to the audience.

To narrow down on the best topic, you should first brainstorm some ideas. Rather than focusing on one perfect topic, come up with as many as you can in the preliminary stages of your research. Once this is done, the next step is to evaluate whether your ideas are viable. This is where you consider your resources and the available literature. Finally, you should narrow down to the most viable idea for your project. You may want to take some time to refine the topic so that you can achieve your objectives effortlessly.

Suggestions on Topics

As you try to come up with a good topic, you may want to consider the fowling questions:

  1. Is there a specific diet that can enhance learning abilities?
  2. What is the role of exercise in learning?
  3. Can obesity affect learning?
  4. Is bullying in schools counter-productive?
  5. Can divorce affect learning?
  6. Is it possible to achieve inclusivity in public schools?
  7. How can teachers integrate technology in learning?
  8. Should students have a say on sex education?
  9. Should sexuality classes in schools be made mandatory?
  10. How can teachers apply different teaching methods in a multicultural classroom?
  11. Are teachers trained to utilize technology in teaching?
  12. What is the impact of collaboration between parents and teachers in learning?
  13. What are the best ways of teaching children with disabilities?
  14. Should teachers be trained on how to address social, cultural and economic challenges faced by the students?
  15. How can public schools be equipped to offer quality learning?
  16. When is the best time to utilize technology to students?
  17. Are students able to handle pressure during exams
  18. Are schools equipped with resources to help students identify their gifts and
  19. abilities?
  20. Should teachers give more emphasis on sciences rather than art-based subjects?
  21. What is the role of culture in student’s learning?

All in all, it is critical to come up with an interesting and valid topic for your doctorate thesis. As such, you will offer amazing insights on issues that would have otherwise remained a mystery.

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