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Do's and don'ts of writing a doctoral thesis in law

In the hopes of creating a doctoral thesis in law you have to know what needs to be done and what need to be avoided in order the get such a project right. There are plenty of things to learn and by doing this the correct preparations will be made towards the success of your project. With that notion in mind do not hesitate to read on for some great doctoral thesis do’s and don’ts that can set you apart from the rest of the pack.


  • Take time: when you use your time correct in such a big project it can come together nice, but if you leave the work until the very end then you might find that you will struggle. Pacing yourself will leave the stress out of the work and your happiness levels of also go up. Education should not be stressful but enjoyable where possible.
  • Hire a personal tutor: for the project you can hire a personal tutor that can help you get the advantage over the rest of the students. Make sure that you hire on which you feel comfortable to communicate with on a regular basis.
  • Select a great law topic: law can be an interesting subject matter but it all depends on the exact topic that you go with. So look around and end up with one you know will be easy and interesting at the same time.


  • Copy work: it is not a bright idea to copy the work of another student word for word as that can very easily lady you in trouble. You’ll realize that there is little to be gained from such an activity since you are not going to learn much.
  • Select a hard title: there is nothing worse than stacking the odds against you by coming up with a title that is hard to complete. You have to be sure that there is lots of info to research and that you will have the ability to get that info with very minimal effort.
  • Listen to the wrong people: if you have friends that have plenty of opinions yet don’t really get good grades then that is a recipe for disaster. Do not listen to them and make sure that you listen to the better students instead.

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